
(Brevi info in English [English insignia])

Glosa, an International Auxiliary Language

There are many drafts of international auxiliary languages, but Glosa is the most advanced one with no grammatical endings on the words (linguists call that an "isolating" structure). It is designed by Ronald Clark and Wendy Ashby and goes back to Lancelot Hogben's Interglossa (1943).

From The Glosa Basic Reference (by Ron Clark and Wendy Ashby, 1994):

Glosa is an artificial language intended for use among people with different native, cultural, or national languages. It is an auxiliary language and has no purpose of supplanting or replacing any other languages. Its purpose is only to be a common means of communication for people of different languages. Glosa has several distinguishing characteristics:

Glosa Mechanic

Some examples:

u feli                     A cat, the cat
plu feli; poli feli        Cats; many cats
tri feli                   Three cats
u feli tri                 The third cat
u-ci feli; u-la feli       This cat; that cat
plu-ci feli, plu-la feli   These cats; those cats
Fe ki ad urba.             She goes to town.
Fe nu ki ad urba.          She is now going to town.
Fe fu ki ad urba.          She will go to town.
Fe pa ki ad urba.          She went/did go to town.
Fe pa du ki ad urba.       She was going to town.
Fe fu du ki ad urba.       She will be going to town.
Fe nu pa ki ad urba.       She has just gone to town.
Fe nu fu ki ad urba.       She is just going to go/is about to go ...
Fe pa more ki ad urba.     She used to go/habitually went to town.
Fe ne sio ki ad urba.      She wouldn't go to town.
Lase na ki ad urba.        Let's go to town.
Lase fe ki ad urba.        Let her go to town.
Si fe ki ad urba, ...      If she go to town, ...
Fe sio ki ad urba, ...     She would go to town, ...
Qe fe ki ad urba?          Is she going to town?
Qe tu pote ki ad urba?     Can you/are you able to go to town?
Qo acide?                  What is happening?
Tu pa vide qo-pe?          Whom did you see?
Qo-ka fe pa ki ad urba?    Why did she go to town?
Fe fu posi ki ad urba.     She might go to town.
gene u feli                Get a cat
ge-lose feli               Lost cat
Id frakti; id pa frakti.   It is breaking; it broke.
Id pa gene frakti.         It got broken.
Id es ge-frakti.           It is broken.
lave se                    Wash oneself
Mi auto pa vide id.        I myself saw it.
ma; maxi                   more/-er; most/-est
mei; mini                  less; least
u andro; qi ...            The man who ...
u feli; qi ...             The cat which ...
                           (Opposites with NO-:)
gravi; no-gravi            heavy; light
                           (Negation with NE-:)
frigi; ne-frigi            cold; not cold (not necessarily hot)
Tu feno sani.              You look well.
An feno no-sani.           He looks ill.
Tu pa gene nati di okto,   You were born on the eighth of May.
  meno pento.
Mi gene sko de Deutsch.    I am learning German.
Fe sti fobo mi.            She frightens me.
Na nece sti logi u demo.   We must make people understand.
Fe habe dek anua.          She is ten years old.
An nima es George.         His name is George.
Place.  Gratia.  Penite.   Please.  Thank you.  Sorry.
Qo-lo tu eko?              Where do you live?
Qo es tu eko-lo?           ...
Qe tu gene sko de Glosa?   Are you learning Glosa?
retro tri meno             Three months ago
iso mega de                as big as
di-mo                      Sunday
di-bi                      Monday
Qo horo?  Id es pen horo.  What time is it?  It's 5 o'clock.
Nona minuta po tri horo    9 minutes past 3
bi-pen minuta pre six horo 25 minutes to 6
Na pa ki a Roma tem        We went to Rome in March.
  meno tri.
medika-pe                  medical doctor
medika-fe                  female medical doctor
medika-an                  male medical doctor
France-lingua              French (language)

(This is only a short description. Please visit the English, German, or Glosa site for further information, material, texts, links or the Glosa dictionaries. Back to start ... )

glosa.org, 2004 ... 2008-01-01